When You Hear the Name DR. AMY JORDAN…for this newsletter, it was about time Dr. Jordan was highlighted. Below are some testimonials from clients, friends, and staff members about who she is as both a veterinarian and person. Enjoy!
- Dr. Jordan is and awesome vet. She has so much compassion for her patients and clients. Dr. Jordan takes up for her staff and looks out for each of us. I’ve only been working at Bear Creek for six months, but it feels like a lot longer. Everyone here has been so welcoming. Bear Creek Veterinary Hospital is a great place to work!
- Dr. Amy Jordan is one of the most fiercely compassionate, professional, and knowledgeable veterinarians you will ever meet. Before I came to Bear Creek my dog, Toby, was struggling with SEVERE skin issues, hair loss, and constant pain and itching. Previous veterinarians had dismissed my concerns, misdiagnosed without any real testing, and offered treatment that only masked his symptoms and did not address the cause. Dr. Jordan saw Toby, knew the underlying problem (severe flea allergy, Dermatitis!), tested to confirm, and immediately started proper treatment. Within a month we saw vast improvement…no itching, healing skin, hair growth, etc. The fact that she took the time to educate me about his condition made the world of difference. I also greatly appreciate that Dr. Jordan leads her staff to take client concerns seriously, to ask the right questions, and to get detailed information for every single patient. She cares. She works harder than any person I have ever met, and I have the greatest respect for her. Even on the worst days, when she loses a patient, when she gets overwhelmed by the never-ending emergencies of client concerns, she perseveres. She is truly an amazing veterinarian and human being, and I am so grateful to also call her my friend.
- Dr. Jordan, Dr. Amy, Amy, Amy Jean…I’m sure I’m leaving a few out, but the point is this: To me, she is one of my nearest and dearest friends. We talk about the hard stuff that life throws at us and also the fun stuff. She is my travel buddy that is ready to drop what we are doing and run away to a place with palm trees. And let’s be honest, it’s probably Key West! She is a fantastic cook and wine connoisseur. She is also the friend I turn to when I want to try weird foods! Those friends are hard to find so hold on to them when you find a couple! Where are we headed next, Amy?!? Love ya, meant it!
- It’s not often that you find a person in today’s world who is truly and inexcusably themselves. This is the trait that I enjoy most about Amy Jordan. She’s the person you can belt out karaoke lyrics with one night, and then sit and enjoy silent company and a glass of wine with the next. Authenticity is also a trait that I see her bring out in the people around her, which makes for a truly great time of fellowship when she opens up her home to others. It seems that her doors is always open. On any given night of the week, it’s not uncommon for extra chairs to be pulled up to her dinner table to be filled by friends who have become more like family. And you can bet that everyone will be going back for second helpings of the food that Amy has prepared because she’s an amazing cook. Her love for food pairs well with her expertise and love for great wine. When the two are combined, you can tell that she is truly in her element.